Barcode and/or UPC: is a unique number product identifier you can manually set or auto-assign
SKU: this is a unique code consisting of characters and numbers specific to your product
Product Details; for all details regarding the product makeup including Branches, Barcodes, SKUs, TAX types, etc.
Product Price: this is where you enter your pricing details, your tax included or excluded price, standard price, validity of the price, etc.
Batch price: this is where you enter a batch/bulk price for you item you want to create
UoM Conversions: this is where you assign a conversion of the unit of measure should your product need it
Advanced setting: This is where you enter extra details about your product(Vendor Name etc.)
Product attributes: these are configurations that make your product(s) unique and can be set here for a product of your choice.
Stock: this section shows you the stock amount and where it is located in your business for this product including quantities
Account: This section allows you to add accounting aspects to your product such as trade revenue and Assign asset account types etc.
Translation: allows you to input languages that may be translated should the need arise.