How do I use the Administration Module on Posibolt?

Administration Overview

What is Administration on Posibolt?
This is a section where where many of the setups, creations, and configurations are located, ranging from products to suppliers/vendors to users, and more.

How do I create a User on Posibolt?

Please note some features will not appear depending on your configurations and the role you have
A user is a person who uses or operates (on Posibolt or any other system).

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Users and click Users under the User menu.
  3. Navigate to the right side of the screen and locate the section with 5 icons, the first icon is a figure with a plus sign(adds the user) on it, and the second one is the same with a pencil on it (Edit a user) and the 3rd one has 2 man-like icons together ( used to view user)
  4. Click the icon to add the user (has a plus sign on it), and enter all the relevant details on the fields of the new user (anything with an asterisk is mandatory )
  5. You will see under the User details heading, a few checkboxes are there with text showing IsActive (user status), etc. checkmark all relevant boxes.
  6. After verifying all the details, select Save at the bottom right side of the screen.

How do I edit a User on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Users and click Users under the User menu.
  3. When the user's page is loaded, click to Search and enter the user you want to edit and search the user. Select the user
  4. Navigate to the right side of the screen and locate the section with 5 icons, the first icon is a figure with a plus sign(adds the user) on it, and the second one is the same with a pencil on it (Edit a user) and the 3rd one has 2 man-like icons together ( used to view user)
  5. Select the Edit icon after selecting the user you want to edit, and a new page will appear with user details, make the desired changes and click save at the bottom right of the screen

How do I Add and Edit a Terminal on Posibolt

Terminal, this is a device used to access the Posibolt system and has assigned functionalities (cashiers, supervisors, etc.).

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Users and click Terminals under the User menu.
  3. Navigate to the right side of the screen and locate the section with 5 icons, the first icon is a screen icon with a plus sign (adds the terminal) on it, and the second one is the same with a screen icon with a pencil on it (Edit a terminal) and the 3rd one has Screen icon view together (used to view user).
  4. Click the Add Terminal icon, and the page will load up. Enter all relevant information you need for the terminal.
  5. There are many configurations such as Bank Accounts that are signed to payment types (EFT and select the bank for EFT transaction to and from) to select from, and entering terminal settings as well.
  6. Click Save at the bottom right side of your screen to save the new terminal.
  7. To Edit the Terminal you search for the Terminal name and click search. After selecting the desired terminal you can click the Edit terminal button and edit any information or settings you want.
  8. Navigate to the button Save at the bottom right side of your screen to save your new changes to the terminal

Posibolt has a feature to create a specific Dashboard for the users. All you do is click Administration, on the Main Menu, locate Users under the Administration sub menus, locate users and then Select Dashboard settings. Here you can select an employee/user and checkmark the items you want on the Dashboard and click Save.

How do I manage my customers a Customer on Posibolt? 

This feature allows you to edit, save, and see customer activity on Posibolt based on your search parameters.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Masters and click Customers under the Masters menu.
  3. Enter your search parameters and filters to search, or click Advanced to further specify your search filters.
  4. A list of customers will appear, on the right side you can see details about the customer of your choice or navigate to the bottom of the screen and click Export to export your customer details and even send an SMS to all the customers you would have selected by using the check mark on the right side of the table with customer details.
  5. On the top right of this same menu, you can see the first icon is a figure with a plus sign (adds the customer) on it, and the second one is the same with a pencil on it (Edit a customer), the 3rd one has 2 man-like icons together (used to view customer) and the one with an arrow facing (import contact) by using a specific file format with a specific layout for imports.

How do I manage my Vendors on Posibolt? 

Vendor/Supplier A vendor is a party in the supply chain that makes goods and services available to companies or consumers.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Masters and click Vendors under the Masters menu.
  3. Enter your search parameters and filters to search.
  4. A list of Vendors will appear, on the right side you can see details about the Vendor of your choice or navigate to the bottom of the screen and click Export to export your Vendor details, select a Vendor using the check mark on the right side of the table with customer details.
  5. On the top right of this same menu, you can see the first icon is a figure with a plus sign (adds the Vendor) on it, and the second one is the same with a pencil on it (Edit a Vendor), the 3rd one has 2 man-like icons together (used to view Vendor) and the one with an arrow facing (import Vendor) by using a specific file format with a specific layout for Imports.
  6. Click the Add or Edit icon customer to input any relevant information to save for the Vendor edit the Vendor, and to verify Vendor details you can click the View Vendor Icon.

How do I manage Business Partners (BP) on Posibolt?

A business Partner is an organization, group of organizations, person, or group of persons in which a company has a business interest. A company would use a partner for a variety of business transactions like order processing and creating sales and purchase orders.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Masters and click Business Partners under the Masters menu.
  3. Enter your search parameters (name) and filters to search. A list of all Business partners will appear
  4. For each partner on the right side of the list there will be 3 icons that show a page with a magnifying glass (to view the partner), a notepad with a pen (to edit), and a profile icon with an "X' (Deactivate)
How do I add and manage Business Partners (BP) Groups on Posibolt?

A business Partner group is a group of organizations that serve a specific purpose (vendor) and people. A company would use a partner for a variety of business transactions like order processing and creating sales and purchase orders.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Masters and click Business Partners Group under the Masters menu.
  3. Enter your search parameters (name) and filters to search. A list of all Business partner groups will appear.
  4. You can select one of the BPartner groups and edit them by clicking the notepad with a pencil, and you can add a new one by clicking the "+" icon on the top right of the screen.
  5. When you add a new BP Group you will be required to enter in information that is required as well as the category where this BP group would fall under

How do I create and manage a product on Posibolt?

A product is often referred to as merchandise, and in manufacturing, products are bought as raw materials and then sold as finished goods

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Product Administration under the Product menu.
  3. Enter in search parameters to search for a product and if you do not have products, you can not search for them, you need to add them as a new product.
  4. On the top right side of the screen you will see 3 icons one with a ''+'' (to add a product), a page with a pencil (edits an existing product), and a 2-page icon which is to copy an existing product.
  5. When you click Add the product a new menu will appear where you will need to put in all product details. Fill in all required fields that have an asterisk. and ensure that you save as you move to the next page to update product input 
  6. The product administration screen has a few submenus to create a product see low notes for more details of the product creation menu:

Barcode and/or UPC: is a unique number product identifier you can manually set or auto-assign
SKU: this is a unique code consisting of characters and numbers specific to your product
Product Details; for all details regarding the product makeup including Branches, Barcodes, SKUs, TAX types, etc.
Product Price: this is where you enter your pricing details, your tax included or excluded price, standard price, validity of the price, etc.
Batch price: this is where you enter a batch/bulk price for you item you want to create
UoM Conversions: this is where you assign a conversion of the unit of measure should your product need it  
Advanced setting:  This is where you enter extra details about your product(Vendor Name etc.)
Product attributes: these are configurations that make your product(s) unique and can be set here for a product of your choice.
Stock: this section shows you the stock amount and where it is located in your business for this product including quantities
Account: This section allows you to add accounting aspects to your product such as trade revenue and Assign asset account types etc.
Translation: allows you to input languages that may be translated should the need arise.

How do I check product information on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Product Information under the Product menu.
  3. Enter in search parameters to search for a product and if you do not have products, you can not search for them, you need to add them as a new product.
  4. On the top right side of the screen you will see 2 icons one with a ''+'' (to add a product), and a manlike icon (used to import a product image).
  5.  When you click the import icon, you will be prompted to locate and select your picture/POSimage or web image etc
  6. After you search a list of products based on your search will appear, the right side of the screen will show you details of a stock take and stock adjustment on a selected item and you will be able to see many buttons at the bottom:
Sales summary: This shows the sales summary of sales of that specified product
Purchase summary: This shows a summary of Purchases of a specific product
Outstanding summary: This shows a summary of outstanding quantities of a specific product by identifying the movement of the product as well
Stock transfer summary: This shows a summary of the stock transfers around that product without a full report
Stock adjustment SummaryThis shows a summary of the stock adjustment around 
Price History: This is a summary of the pricing of the product(s) selected

How do I manage a product category on Posibolt?

A product category is a group to which a specific category exists, e.g. if it is clothes you have as a product, you can define the category by age, gender etc.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Product Category under the Product menu.
  3. Enter in search parameters to search for a product and if you do not have products, you can not search for them, you need to add them as a new product category.
  4. On the top right side of the screen you will see 2 icons one with a ''+'' (to add a product), and a Pencil icon (used to edit a category).
  5. When you add a category you will be required to enter mandatory fields and any other details you want on your product category(This is the same when you click Edit) and click Save to add the category
  6. If you want to disable the product category select it navigate to the right side of the highlight select the ion with a red x with a figure and click it, that will deactivate the category therefore you won't be able to assign it in to a product.

How do I create or manage barcode templates on Posibolt?

A barcode (sometimes seen as two words, bar code) is the small image of lines (bars) and spaces that is affixed to retail store items, identification cards and postal mail to identify a particular product number, person or location.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate General and click Barcode Template under the General menu.
  3. Enter the Template Name and/or Organisation and select Search for an existing template or click the add icon "+" that allows you to create a template.
  4. When you create a template (configured during the implementation phases of integrating Posibolt), when you click the add icon you will need to enter several measurements ranging from Font size, label types (thermal labels, etc.) label width, etc., this is dependent on the printer you are intending to use as well the label sizes.
  5. When you have everything entered, click Save.

How do I print barcodes on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Barcode printing under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the Barcode, Name, or Description and select your product, on the right side of the screen you can select the template of a barcode you want and checkmark the item you want to have on the barcode printout.
  4. When you have everything selected, click print

How do I manage my Warehouses on Posibolt?

Warehouse refers to a place where goods are stored/kept.
  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Warehouse Maintenance under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the Warehouse Name and/or Organisation and select Search for existing warehouses or click the ADD button that allows you to create a new warehouse.
  4. When you create the warehouse, make sure that you enter the warehouse details you want (and set it to active or not using the isActive check mark box), and then click save at the bottom right of the screen.
  5. When you search for warehouses, the results will populate all the warehouses you have searched for, and then you can navigate to the ride side of the screen and you can click the pencil icon to Edit Warehouse and you put all the changes you would like and click save at the bottom right of the screen.

How do I do a price and stock check for products on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Price and Stock Check under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the Barcode, Product Name, and/or Description and press enter for the product, you will have product details and price in a tabular format, click clear at the bottom right and then add the next product.

How do I manage a price list for products on Posibolt?

A price list is a demarcation of prices for specific products/goods
  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Price and Stock Check under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the Price Lists and press submit, you will have a list of price lists, and the price list can be edited by clicking notepad with a pencil. You can add a new Price List by clicking ADD NEW on the top right side of the screen
  4. Enter all the information to define your price list and can even be assigned to specific branches and/or warehouses etc. which helps to define the use of the price list and can be assigned to a product being created and you can also assign a price list schema.

How do I manage a price list schema for products on Posibolt?

A price list schema is a demarcation of prices for specific products/goods that are grouped or categories or individually however in bulk

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Price List Schema under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the Price List Schema Name and select a date, you will have a list of price list schemas that have been added already, and the price list schema can be added by clicking ADD NEW and then entering all schema details like pricelists, discounts, etc.

How do I manage the Promotion Groups on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Promotion under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the Promotion groups and select search to search for the group, you will have a list of Promotion groups that have been added already and a new promotion group can be added by clicking the add "+" icon then you can select the specifications you want and click Save.

For promotion creation:

How do I manage my vouchers on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Voucher Administration under the Product menu.
  3. Enter the search parameters, and click Search if you are creating a new Voucher, click Create Voucher at the bottom of the screen
  4. When you click Create Voucher you can enter all the details you want including the code and the date it applies, and click Save

How do I manage and maintain product attribute sets on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click Maintain Product Attributes under the Product menu. 
  3. On the product attribute screen, you will see an Attribute Name, Attribute Set name, or Attribute Distribution as a search parameter.
  4. If you do not have any attributes or attribute sets, you can create them. click Add under the sub-menus (attribute, Attribute set, and attribute distributions to add on of those specific) and input all data. These attributes are assigned to a product in product administration when you create or edit a product.

Attribute: A specific quality of an item/product (Size, color)
Attribute Sets: A Specific grouping or combination of attributes (Size and Colour)

How do I generate a new product report and/or a product price change report on Posibolt?

New product report: This shows you a report with all the new products based on what you have entered for searching, this includes prices
Product price change report: this is a report that shows you all price changes on products for a given time that you could have entered

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Product and click new product report or a product price change report under the Product menu. 
  3. On the product new product report or a product price change report, enter your search parameters and your reports will appear (like all other reports at the bottom right of the screen)


With a few clicks, you can create a new organisation (branch) and a sales region(where an organisation can belong e.g. provincial). Go to Administration, navigate the sub-menu under Setup and click the option organisation or Sales region. Click the add icon ''+'' and enter a few sections to add the  organisation

How do I Import and Export on Posibolt?

Importing: The process of uploading a file(s) onto Posibolt.
Exporting: The process of downloading a file(s) from Posibolt.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Setup and click Import/Export under the Setup menu. 
  3. On the setup page, the first drop-down box will say product, this drop-down has all the different modules that can be uploaded through imports(price lists, discount schema, etc.). PLEASE NOTE: next to that dropdown is a Button that Label "import type" Template (Product Template, Price list Template), the button downloads a template(which shows you the layout needed to upload onto Posibolt, or else it will not import the file, like everything on Posibolt the csv that will download will have mandatory fields labeled with a "asterisk").
  4. Enter other filters for your import or export. When you click import a pop will appear, and if you click Export (export or export in Excel), it will immediately start an export operation and export based on the template chosen of all the details 

Some of the Templates that can be Uploaded

Product: A product is an item offered for sale.
Product Category: A product category is a group of similar products that share related characteristics. Product categories help businesses organize, promote, and price products.
Product PO: This is a Purchase Order for a product(s).
Product price: This is a price assigned to product(s).
Discount schema: This is a defined or outlined discount that is specific to products, or categories or can be based on a specification of choice.
Stock transfer requisition:  this is a request-based stock transfer from one warehouse to another or store to store.


How do I manage the Discount Schema on Posibolt?

Discount Schema refers to an arrangement whereby, upon presentation, the holder of the customer is entitled to Purchase a Fare at a lower price than would otherwise apply.

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Setup and click Discount Schema under the Setup menu. 
  3. You will need to enter your search parameters in each section required or of choice to search for existing Discount schemas, however, if you do not have one and create one, navigate to the right side of the search bar and click Add New 
  4. When you Add New Schema there will be a few Mandatory fields and this will help define your schema and what you want 
  5. You can even add breaks(Breaks are a defined amount for something to apply e.g. if you buy 2 items you get a 5% discount and then for 4 items 15% discount is based on the quantity of the item and known as a break quantity ) on a discount schema.

How do I manage Bank Accounts on Posibolt?

  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an Arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Setup and click Bank Account under the Setup menu. 
  3. Click and enter your search parameters for searching for existing Bank Accounts, however, if you do not have one on Posibolt, you can add it by clicking the add icon"+"
  4. When adding the bank account you will have selections and fields to enter in all the relevant details and check mark isActive if you want to use it immediately, navigate to the bottom right side of the screen and click Save.
  5. When you search you will see a list of all your Bank Accounts, and to the right, there is a pencil icon that when clicked allows you to edit the selected bank account, like the add bank account menu, the edit menu has the same fields and if you want to de-activate the bank you uncheck isActive and the bank account will be disabled for use

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