What is an age analysis report?
Age analysis is simply a time-based analysis report with reference to due date to determine either how much time is left until due date or how much time has passed since due date. Most of the time age or aged or ageing analysis refers to the second type of analysis i.e. how much time has passed since due date and this analysis is used in context of receivables to determine steps required to recover debts from debtors. This also help in determining bad debts. In case of creditors usually the first type of analysis is prepared i.e. how much time is left until supplier’s invoice falls due so that entity can plan for outflows accordingly before time.
Customers and vendors(suppliers) need to be created in the system with payment terms linked to them.refer to the documents in administration on how to create customers and vendors
Payment Terms need to be created and setup in the system.refer to document in administration on how to setup and create payment terms.
Where does one find the age analysis report?
In the Main menu , click on performance analysis
Navigate to Age analysis report
How to Generate data/information in this report
Once you have clicked on age analysis report you will be directed to this screen shown below
In this report you can view data for both customers and vendors separately unless a customer is treated as a supplier as well(org Bpartner)
You can search for a particular customer or vendor or all customers or all vendors at once .
Select your relevant age date eg 30,60 or 90 days etc once setup.
By clicking on show entire details displays not only the customer or vendors name but their address and contact details as well.
By clicking on show invoices displays the actual invoices for those customers and vendors for if you want to further break it down and view the actual items in the invoices.
Once the search criteria is complete click on search.
For customers
For Vendors