Approval Chains

Approval Chains

Approval Chain Configuration and Reporting

An Approval Chain represents a series of approvals that must happen in a specific sequence. Each part of the chain represents an approval rule with a shared approval chain field value.

POSibolt will allow you to configure Approval Chains in the following way:

Document Type         - Select the type of document that requires approval

Name                          - a name needs to be given to this set of Approval Chain

Description                - a description of this set of Approval Chain

Version                       - A required field if multiple versions of this Approval Chain is applicable

Priority                       - A value indicating which version should take precedence 

Valid from and Valid to dates  - The period of time for which this chain is applicable

Department                -  Can be linked to a specific department in an organisation 

Organisation              - The Approval Chain can be configured across all branches or a specific one

Configure Approvers:

  1. Level (Auto assigned) - indicates the level of approval in the chain

  2. Action - Require either an approval or a notification for a user

  3. Type - Type of notification, either SMS or Email

  4. Role - The Approving Role in the organisation

  5. User - The name of the approving user within the chosen role

Configure Conditions

  1. Control - The type of control relating to the chosen document type requiring approvals

  2. Operation/value - Contains different parameters for ruling on the value

Approvals Report 

Document Type - the applicable document type for which you want to view approvals

From/To date - The date range for the required report

DocStatus - a filter allowing you to view results based on All, Approved, Not yet Approved and rejected

The report also allows the user to approve or reject on all open approval statuses