BPartner (Business Partner) Settlement

BPartner (Business Partner) Settlement

A Business Partner is any person or corporation that you do business with. A business partner can be a customer, vendor and/or employee.

Why Bpartner settlement screen?

In the business world it’s quite common that your vendor for certain goods or services is also your customer, purchasing from you different goods or services. In such a case you manage two different master data records – one representing the customer and the other for the vendor. 

In POSibolt, The Bpartner settlement screen is designed for invoice settlement  for a customer who is also a vendor in the system.

To access the partner settlement you will need to

  1. Navigate to the main menu

  2. Click on the accounting

  3. Click on the BPartner settlement.

Image of the BPartner settlement screen

How to allocate the open invoices of a business partner?

  1. Enter the customer/vendor name and search.

  2. Once you click on search, the below details will appear.

  1. Click on the Invoice Wise details button to show the open invoices

  1. Select the sales and purchase orders open invoices documents and click on allocate button

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