Catch-Weight(CW) Processing

Catch-Weight(CW) Processing

Catch-weight processing is used by food processors and distributors to manage products where an individual item’s actual weight varies. These products would typically be sold in one unit of measure such as packages or cases though priced by weight of the products shipped.

Catch-Weight Processing Highlights

  • Supports recording of dual units of measure for inventory, sales, and invoicing transactions

  • Supports definition of a nominal or average weight per item

  • Supports recording of actual weights at time of shipment

  • Customers can order in one unit of measure such as packages or cases and be invoiced based on per-pound pricing

In POSibolt, you can create the catchweight items in two methods.

  1. Fixed weight.

  2. Random weight.

How to create CW fixed weight Items in POSibolt

  1. Navigate to the administration menu

  2. Select product administration.

  3. Click on the create new item button

  4. Fill the item details like mentioned in the below image

      i. Default UOM( unit of measure) can be BOX or EACH 

     ii. Catch Weight UOM must be kilogram (Price can be set per kilogram)

     iii. Enter the unit weight in the average weight field.

     iv. Catch-weight tolerance (%) must be zero. (Catch-weight tolerance (%) must be zero. (System will hide the CW field in all transaction screens if the tolerance % is zero).

Product price update: The default price can be set per kilogram (CW UOM)

How to create CW Random weight Items.

  1. Navigate to the product administration 

  2. Click on the create new item button

  3. Fill the item details like mentioned in the below image

       i) Catch-weight must be a kilogram

       ii) Average catch weight can be set based on the item and the system will show you the total weight based on it or put zero in average weight  and you can update the mass weight in all transaction screens like Purchase, Receive Goods(GRV) Sales, Sales Return etc… 

      iii) Catch-weight Tolerance %: You can use a tolerance percentage for the catchweight item to check whether the values that the user entered for the quantity are plausible. If you use a tolerance percentage you can prevent or reduce the number of incorrect entries made by users throughout the entire shipment process.

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