How do I manage Business Partners (BP) and Business Partners (BP) Groups on Posibolt?

How do I manage Business Partners (BP) and Business Partners (BP) Groups on Posibolt?

How do I manage Business Partners (BP) on Posibolt?

A business Partner is an organization, group of organizations, person, or group of persons in which a company has a business interest. A company would use a partner for a variety of business transactions like order processing and creating sales and purchase orders.
  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Masters and click Business Partners under the Masters menu.
  3. Enter your search parameters (name) and filters to search. A list of all Business partners will appear
  4. For each partner on the right side of the list there will be 3 icons that show a page with a magnifying glass (to view the partner), a notepad with a pen (to edit), and a profile icon with an "X' (Deactivate)

How do I add and manage Business Partners (BP) Groups on Posibolt?

A business Partner group is a group of organizations that serve a specific purpose (vendor) and people. A company would use a partner for a variety of business transactions like order processing and creating sales and purchase orders.
  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate to the top left of the screen to an arrow that takes you to the Main Menu when you click it.
  2. When the Main Menu appears, select Administration on the right side of the screen and then navigate the sub-menus to locate Masters and click Business Partners Group under the Masters menu.
  3. Enter your search parameters (name) and filters to search. A list of all Business partner groups will appear.
  4. You can select one of the BPartner groups and edit them by clicking the notepad with a pencil, and you can add a new one by clicking the "+" icon on the top right of the screen.
  5. When you add a new BP Group you will be required to enter in information that is required as well as the category where this BP group would fall under

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