How do I make a Sale on Posibolt?

Sales Overview

How do I make a Sale on Posibolt?

To choose a product for a Sale, you will need either Barcode or Product Name or Description.
Default Payment Method is selected during the initial set up for Posibolt, but it can be changed. Each completed sale is given an Invoice number and Order Number
How to make a Cash Sale on Posibolt?
  1. Log in to Posibolt and navigate Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options 
  2. Select Sales in the Main menu, and navigate to the sub-menu and locate Sales Order, and then select the Sales option to be redirected to the sales screen.
  3. Enter in a Barcode, or scan a barcode, or a description or Product Name and press Enter.
  4. Select the product(s) if there are multiple and press ENTER, on the right hand side of the screen select the quantities (add or remove).
  5. If there is a Discount on the product, navigate to the selectable option at the bottom of the sales screen to choose Additional Options.
  6. Once you have all the items that are scanned for sale, navigate to the right hand side of the screen, select your payment method under Payment Mode.
  7. Select the cycle icon(Change) next to the default payment method (e.g. CASH, EFT or CREDIT) to choose a payment method in this case its Cash, or click Save if you want to save the current sale for using it later and if not, click Check out to complete sale.
  8. When you pay with Voucher you will need to enter a voucher number and for the Credit payment option you will need to enter the customer's name who has a credit option with you and select the correct customer with an account.
  9. In the event you have saved the sale, you can choose and select Invoke Order, and this allows you to choose the Order Number then verify the order number and select it. Choose the green tick to continue to the sale and red X to cancel.

DID YOU KNOW: You can use multiple payment methods on the Posibolt. 

How do I make a Sale with Discounts on Posibolt?

 A discount refers to a reduced price offered by a business on a product or service.
  1. Select your payment method after you have selected the the items for checking out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Customer or add a new customer or leave it as is.
  2. Navigate to the bottom left of the screen and double click the Discount button.
  3. Depending on the configurations done during your initial store set up with Posibolt, you are able to select the discount type, which are Unit price or Discount Percentage and/or, one of these or a few of these.
  4. After selecting the type you want, navigate to the bottom right of the screen and select the APPLY button which applies the discount to the unit(s) and proceed to check out.

How do I make a Sale with Credit on Posibolt?

Credit sales refer to a sale in which the amount owed will be paid at a later date. In other words, credit sales are purchases made by customers who do not render payment in full, in cash, at the time of purchase.
  1. On payment method after you have selected the the items for check out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Credit Customer or add a new customer.
  2. To add a new customer, you need to click the icon next to the textbox where you enter the the name of the customer. After you have clicked the icon, a new pop up menu will appear.
  3. Enter in the New Customer's details in the Menu that will appear (Customer name, Mobile number are mandatory fields as seen with the asterisks), and if you want to assign a loyalty program when you are creating the new customer, you will be able to select under that creation menu.
  4. Click Save (Green tick) and press Check Out.

How to make a Sale with EFT on Posibolt?

EFT (electronic fund transfer) is used to move money from one account to another. The transaction is completed electronically, and the two accounts can be at the same financial institution or different financial institutions. Please note that according to some company's you may receive proof of payment via email and/or SMS and then you will need to attach it before completing the sale.
  1. Select your payment method EFT after you have selected the the items for checking out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Customer.
  2. You are able to select a Discount as well and after you have entered the correct items, discount (if there is one) and customer name.
  3. Provide banking details to the customer, (BE WARNED: Proof of payment is needed to complete the sale and be aware and be careful of scams with proof of payment) and after confirming payments proceed to check out.

How to make a Sale with a Card (Credit card or Debit card ) on Posibolt?

Card sales are when customers pay for a product or service with a credit card or debit card. Payments to your business come from the customer's credit or debit card company, not the customer directly, card is not offered by the company but only by Financial Service Providers.
  1. Select your payment method Card after you have selected the the items for checking out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Customer.
  2. You are able to select a Discount as well and after you have entered the correct items, discount (if there is one) and customer name, you can proceed to check out and complete the sale.

The "H" customer history 

How the History shows, you can check mark a previous order/purchase and add it to the current cart by clicking Add to Cart or use an old purchase cart again. 

How to make a Sale with Loyalty on Posibolt?

Loyalty programs, sponsored by retailers and other businesses, offer rewards, discounts, and other special incentives as a way to attract and retain customers
  1. Select your payment method Loyalty after you have selected the the items for checking out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Customer.
  2. You are able to select a Discount as well and after you have entered the correct items, discount (if there is one) and customer name.
  3. You can proceed to check out and complete the sale through swiping and/or inserting the card in a POS machine the Card.
To choose a product for a sale, you will need either Barcode or Product Name or Description.
Default payment method is selected during set up, but it can be changed

Note: If you do not know an icon on the screen, move you mouse and however over the icon without clicking it, it will give you the button or icon name.

How to make an Exchange on Posibolt?

Exchange refers to replace (returned merchandise) with an equivalent or something else: Most stores will allow the purchaser to exchange goods.
  1. Navigate to the selectable option at the bottom of the sales screen and click More.
  2. A drop down menu will appear and you will proceed to select Exchange.
  3. A pop-up will appear to enter in the Reference Order Number (Ref Order No) and Reference Invoice Number (Ref invoice No) located on the customer's sales receipt.
  4. Select item you want to exchange or scan it if the sales was completed and then scan the new item.
  5. Ensure that the quantity is the same and proceed to check out and it should not charge if its the same item, but if it is different you will need to either give the difference to the customer as change or if its more the customer will have to pay the difference (which will be show on your screen) through the payment method the customer wants to use.

Extra services:

Depending on your organization you are able to have more services and additional sales options on the sales screen such as:

  1. Attachments: extra documents, picture etc. that can be uploaded.
  2. Copying of orders: copies previous sale orders to current existing.
  3. Edit payment Terms: this allows to make a sale to customers who have payment terms or qualify for the payment terms available, this can be agreed upon between customer and store/business and pay over certain period of time for a service or product.
  4. Discounts and Quick Discounts:  allows quick entry or general entry of discount codes or pricing available (if any).
  5. You can add a Comment that will be on record for use by the customer as well (a Birthday note etc)

You can also choose an existing customer under the check out button or create a new one, you can look up an existing customer's history. on the right hand side of the screen where you will see a payment method, you will see a text box written Customer and next to the textbox, you will see 2 icons "H" is history and the profile and plus icon is the add customer to the system and keep purchase histories.

Customer history is available on the sales scree depending on the permissions. you will be able to look up old invoices, past sales, or see credit information, see above orange highlight on how to find it.

How do I make a Sale with Voucher on Posibolt?

Loyalty programs refers to an act sponsored by retailers and other businesses, offer rewards, discounts, and other special incentives as a way to attract and retain customers, this can be in the form of a voucher (with a voucher number) or a Loyalty program where you earn rewards and redeem.
  1. Select your payment method Voucher after you have selected the the items for checking out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Customer.
  2. You are able to select a Discount as well and after you have entered the correct items, discount (if there is one) and customer name.
  3. You may need to add a secondary payment method and you will be able to make a payment with another payment method
  4. You can proceed to check out and complete the sale through swiping and/or inserting the card in a POS (point of sale) machine the Card.

Important Note:

This is a payment method that allows paying over a certain period of time. This is available to organisations which have this feature enabled. When enabled you are able to choose the payment method, when selected you are required to enter an initial payment (starting payment) and you can pay over a few weeks and or months. each order is assigned an order number.

Settle Payment: 

This is an option where you are able to pay a previously opened order such as a Layby or Credit, the Order Number will be the same or is the same.

How do I make a Sale with Layby on Posibolt?

  1. Select your payment method Layby after you have selected the customer's items for checking out, you will need to enter a Customer's name, you will be able to search an existing Customer.
  2. Select the customer who wants to buy through Layby or wants to settle their Layby, select Settle Payment 
  3. Once you Select Settle Payment you will see, a new page and on the payment section on the right hand side the customer will be able to pay their desired amount next to Pay Amt,
  4. You are able to select a Discount as well and after you have entered the correct items, discount (if there is one) and customer name.
  5. Select Pay and you can also Modify the order by adding quantities or removing or adding products based on the request of the customer 

How do I settle a Layby on Posibolt?

How to close a till on Posibolt at the end of the day?

Closing till refers to completing the Sales for the day at the end of the day. Once you have completed the cash sales of the day and you want to close the till, follow these steps below: Main Menu>Till Management>Close
  1. Locate the Menu button (Arrow shaped Icon) on the top left hand of the screen and navigate to the Sales Main Menu
  2. Locate till Management labelled as Till Mgt  in the sub-menu and double left-click the selection Close Till
  3. Once on the Till Mgt page, enter in all the fields with the correct and accurate amounts for each payment method for sales made 
  4. Make sure you have entered the float if there is any that has to be left in the till only after you have verified the total sales amount for end of the day.
  5. Continue to the right side of the screen and click CLOSE (which will close the till for the end of day) 
  6. If till does not close, a pop will appear where one of two things would have happened: Either you counted the money and entered the values in correctly or one of the payment methods has an invalid value entered. this may require the Manager to overwrite if need be.

The "FLOAT" is the money that is called the opening balance and it is left in the till. It is not included in the net transaction, how ever it is there on the ed of day report.
You will have to close the till each and everyday, so that your daily reports are correct and accurate for the end of sales reports

The EOD report (End of day) generated will show the full amount in the till, including the FLOAT. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not close the till at the end of the day, the total amount left in the till will be the opening balance of the next day. PLEASE CLOSE THE TILL AT THE END OF THE DAY UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE BY YOUR ORGANISATION.

A sold Item being returned is known as a Sales Return

Goods sold being returned happens commonly in business. They could be returned by the customer due to quality issues, non-delivery on the agreed date, or any other reason.

Customer Return Orders on Posibolt

A Reference order number must be entered to track the sales order of the customer. You will then be prompted to enter the items that need to be returned. Before you click on check out, choose the tender in which you will refund your customer. Posibolt will then add the items back to the inventory and this total is immediately reported on the end of day report. Instead of refund, you can give vouchers to customer, and needs to produce that voucher in his next sale to redeem that amount. The sales return receipt is then printed. A voucher receipt is also printed along with a return receipt if the tender type is a voucher. Please note that depending on your organization settings, you can also make a sales return without referring to a sales transaction.

How to process a returned item(s) on Posibolt

Prerequisites (What you need to process an order)

  1. Item for return
  2. Sales Invoice (Incase of CRO against Reference number)
  3. Delivered Note (Incase of CRO against Reference number)

How do I create a Customer Return Order (CRO) with sales order/invoice reference number on Posibolt?

Posibolt Customer Returned Order (CRO) makes it easy to manage merchandised returns. A CRO deducts the total from the day sales and adds the item/items back into the inventory. 
  1. Navigate to the Main Menu, and on the right-hand side you will see a menu with categories in Posibolt navigate to Sales and select/click it.
  2. Click on Customer Return Order
  3. Enter the Sales Order/Invoice Number as a Reference Number in the reference details popup against which Customer returned the Items and click on the Enter button. So the order details will appear automatically on the respective fields below.
  4. You need to add the reason for the return in the comment box on the same popup.
  1. Click on the check (green) button after verifying the details.

  2. Add the returned item/items to the cart.

  3. Click on Checkout to finish the Returned Order

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