How to view current customers, add new customer& edit existing customers.
From the main menu drop down, click on administration.
Then click on customers, from the accounts drop down.
To view your current customers. Enter the customers name in the customer field and click search, then click on the customer you are searching for and click view customer or alternatively click search to view all customers.
To create a new customer for your organisation, click on create customer.
This will open the create a customer window. Make sure you fill in the correct required information.
You can set the customer to your preference by setting a credit limit, choosing payment terms and much more.
Lastly scroll to the bottom of the page and click on save.
To edit current customers, click on edit customer.
Edit the customer information and lastly click on save at the bottom of the page to save your edit.
How view, edit and create new vendors.
From the main menu drop down click on administration. Then click on vendors from the accounts drop down.
To view your current vendors. Enter the vendors name in the vendor field and click search, then click on the vendor you are searching for and click view vendor or alternatively click search to view all vendors.
To create new vendors, click on create vendor.
This will open the create a vendor window. Make sure you fill in the correct required information. You can set the vendor to your preference by setting a credit limit, choosing payment terms and much more.
Lastly scroll to the bottom of the page and click on save.
To edit current vendor, click on edit vendor.
Edit the vendor information and lastly click on save at the bottom of the page to save your edit.