POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.2.9

POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.2.9



AD-F-01: Introduced the provision to print Group 1 and Group 2 details of products on the custom barcode label.
AD-F-02: A few performance improvements have been made in the Import/Export screen.

1.2 SALES:

SA-F-01: Introduced the provision to edit basic customer details from the sales screen itself. Theedit pop up can be opened up by clicking on the customer details section.
SA-F-02: Previously purchased items (after added to the cart) are now highlighted in the Customer History pop up in the Quotation screen.

SA-F-03: Quantity details are now shown in the Laybuy expiry slip print.
SA-F-04: Total disbursements are now shown in the close till slip print.
SA-F-05: Voucher payments are made easy now with the introduction of voucher details being shown in list boxes. Upon choosing a customer, all return vouchers available for that customer will be listed in the list box, avoiding the need to manually type in the voucher numbers.
SA-F-06: Introduced slab based auto round off for cash payments.

1.3 STOCK:

ST-F-01: Introduced the new “Stock Availability Report”. This report give a break up of the stock across different organisation/warehouse.
ST-F-02: Product categories are now made visible in reports based on the organization set for that product category.
ST-F-03: Introduced a new client config “Shipment Report Order Check Interval” which can be used to adjust the frequency of the pending shipment pop up in the Shipment report screen.


CR-F-01: Payment terms of the selected customer are now shown on the right hand side of Credit Management and Vendor Settlement screens.


PF-F-01: Introduced product classification filter on Itemwise sales report.
PF-F-02: Introduced Unit Price, Unit Cost and Profit per Unit details in the Item Wise Sales Report.
PF-F-03: Modified the “Cashing Up Report by Terminal” report to include payment disbursement information. There is a new row added in the summary table and also a new column in the terminal-wise table.


HR-F-01: In the leave request screen, the visibility of leave types are now restricted to leave types assigned to a particular employee.

1.7 APP:

AP-F-01: Introduced OTP based authentication for logging into Posibolt Loyalty App.



AC-B-01: Group by Org Type filtering is showing multiple lines in Statement of accounts.
AC-B-02: Incorrect credit available detail is shown in the Bpartner settlement screen after doing
cheque payments. This is happening when the Bpartner is a Customer and Vendor
and also the 'PDC effect accounting' client config is set to ‘True’.

2.2 SALES:

SA-B-01: Date Ordered is getting changed upon modifying the layby.
SA-B-02: Issue when doing sales return of a Laybuy order.
SA-B-03: Organisation logo not getting printed on slip print.
SA-B-04: Sale is getting blocked even when the selling price is greater than the cost price. Here the client config is set as “Selling Below Cost - Block Based On Cost”, which blocks
the selling of items below cost price.
SA-B-05: Two tills are opened in parallel if any transaction is made from both mini and central
at same time.


PR-B-01: Disabled multiple clicking of the product import button when an import is in progress.
PR-B-02: Items loaded in the Receive Goods screen are not in the same order as listed in the
Vendor Shipment screen for the same order document.
PR-B-03: Vendor statement is not retrieving organisation-wise outstanding amount.


HR-B-01: The date is not displayed in the “Add/Edit Employee Attendance” pop-up screen.

2.5 STOCK:

ST-B-01: Performance improvements done in the following reports; Stock Valuation Item-wise
Sales Report Attribute Stock Report Stock Analysis Report Attribute wise Sales
Report Stock Movement Product Administration Product Information
ST-B-02: The status of voided stock transfer documents is showing as ‘Complete’ when viewed in
the ‘Stock Transfer Confirmation’ screen.


AD-B-01: Modified the auto-rounding of currency denominations.
AD-B-02: Users with organisation assigned as ‘*’ are not shown in the commission report.


CR-B-01: Incorrect net balance is shown in the newly introduced JRXML-based customer
CR-B-02: Some of the entries are not getting reflected in the newly introduced JRXML based customer statement.
JRXML-based customer


GN-B-01: The back button (to the main menu) is not working in the Generic report screens.


MN-B-01: Error upon voiding a manufacturing order containing a service item.

2.10 APP:

AP-B-01: API for checking customer credit status is giving a wrong response when customerId is not present.

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