POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.20

POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.20



AC-F-01: Incorporated all the changes to export the GSTR sheet in the new format.
AC-F-02: An option has been implemented to export bulk statements of accounts to an XLS file, where the details of each account are displayed on a separate sheet.

1.2 APPS

AP-F-01: Introduced new features in the Sales App,
  1. Displays the last sold price for the product when choosing a customer. This functionality works when there is an internet connection.
  2. Added discount validation based on role settings.
  3. Introduced the option to download Customer statements based on open invoicesfrom the APP.
  4. Updated the Collection Screen with a check-box “past view” to list the Pending invoice allocation.
AP-F-02: Added a new configuration “ Barcode Qty update on Scan” in settings. With this
configuration enabled, the user has the option to select the preferred UOM and
quantity update when it scans the barcode with UOM conversion.
AP-F-03: From the sales app, users with an active internet connection can download the invoice
print format from the Posibolt cloud instance.


ST-F-01: Implemented functionality for Stock Transfer Requisition to automatically generate a PDF printout upon saving the requisition.



AC-B-01: Updated the GSTR Document Sheet to include the count of Cancelled and Completed invoices.
AC-B-02: Rectified the issue with the invoice value displayed in the B2B sheet of the GSTR Report, which was previously showing the line net amount instead of the invoice amount.


AD-B-01: Corrected the barcode template name to accept special characters and trim any leading/trailing spaces.


PF-B-01: Made fixes in the Vendor Sell-off Report where the total gp was calculated by adding each row's respective column instead of being recalculated with total row values


SA-B-01: Improved the code to enhance the performance of exporting the GSTR Report sheet.
SA-B-02: Made fixes to create bank statements when the transfer amount is zero but there is a difference in amount while closing the till.
SA-B-03: Incorporated the transfer account details and comments into the drop cash slip printout in the Jasper report.

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