POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.22

POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.22



AD-F-01: Improved the overall performance of Price List Schema Run and additionally introduced a new rounding mode named 'Price Precision', formerly the price value was rounded off based on currency precision.


PR-F-01: Implemented the warehouse selection functionality on the Goods Returned Note screen. This feature is accessible through the configuration option "List Warehouse as Suggest Box."


RA-F-01: Implemented an API to handle Discount schema. This API returns the list of products with discounted prices.


ST-F-01: A new field 'CW Qty' has been added to the 'Update Inventory (Disassemble)' screen. This will display the catch weight quantity consumed during the disassembling process. If the consumed product is identified as a random-weight product, users will have the option to edit this field as needed.



ST-B-01: Revised the ordering in the Stock Movement Report to ensure accuracy. Product movement details were sorted by movement type, leading to 'Customer Shipment' being displayed before 'Product Produced'.
ST-B-02: Resolved the issues in the Stock movement report and Stock Valuation report where the catch weight quantity was not being updated during the disassembling process.

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