POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.6

POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.6



AC-F-01: Enhanced the multiple selection of Account Name filter to display the selected values at the top of the list and is sorted from A-Z. This is in the Detailed GL Report.
AC-F-02: Added a column for “Order No” in Payment History. This can be enabled from Screen Preferences.
AC-F-03: Implemented an option to set or update currency conversion rate to a foreign currency supplier payment. This can be done from the Payment document page. The feature is done using a system configuration UPDATE_PAYMENT_CONVERSION_RATE
AC-F-04: Implemented a filter for the BPartner group in BPartner Statement.


AD-F-01: Changes made in Barcode Printing Screen to show all the conversion UOMs along with the base UOM in the name suggestion list.
AD-F-02: Implemented the option to redeem vouchers against sales orders that are invoiced later.
AD-F-03: Introduced multiple selection in Organization,Business Partner Group and Product Category filters for Vendor/Item Wise Purchases Report.


PR-F-01: Introduced an option to multi-select and delete drafted orders from the View PO Report and Sales History.


SA-F-01: Implemented differentiation of reserved qty between pos orders and lay-buy orders when Allow Layby config is enabled in the following screens
Sales -> RHS Stock display pop-up
■ Price Check Screen
■ Stock Valuation - drill down of QtyReserved B
SA-F-02: Implemented a new report under Sales called “ Loyalty Points Report” to show the customer earned and redeemed Loyalty points


ST-F-01: Introduced a control in the Locator screen to check for stock before making the locator inactive.
ST-F-02: Added a column for UOM in the Stock Adjustment import template. This will ease the stock adjustment of items with multiple UOMs.



AC-B-01: Resolved an issue in Charge Invoice where the Submit button disappears when an invoice is completed without selecting charge.

2.2 APPS

AP-B-01: Made fixes in the Sales App to resync order where it was showing “Payment number already exists” error.


GN-B-01: Added vertical scrolling in Screen Preferences drop-down for increased usability.


MN-B-01: Made fixes to round off the Bom qty to Uom precision while importing the bill of material.


PR-B-01: Made fixes in the consignment payable report to display the payable amount by deducting the sales promotion amount applied for the item.
PR-B-02: Resolved an issue in the Vendor Item-wise Purchase Report where the PO quantity is incorrect for products with the biggest or entered UOM.
PR-B-03: Corrected the issues in Purchase screens where the quantity ordered is rounded off based on UOM precision.


SA-B-01: Added a fix to make vouchers inactive in the Gift Voucher screen, if any credit note is voided where the voucher was issued.
SA-B-02: Corrected discrepancies in the End-of-the-day report where the difference between the Amount in till and Cash entered was incorrect.


ST-B-01: Corrected an issue where invoking a stock transfer the movement date displayed was incorrect

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