POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.0

POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.0


1.1 APPS

AP-F-01: Enhanced the API to transmit the ordered date and 'line' value for sorting the order lines.


GN-F-01: Enhanced the GUI screen while running the RUN_Setup.sh to edit the jnp Port field.
GN-F-02: Implemented Route wise sales report under Performance Analysis to view route trip details of a sales rep with a trip map which shows planned and actual trips.



AC-B-01: Corrected the error message appearing on pushing data in E-Invoice.


AD-B-01: Improved the App settings by moving two configurations - ‘filter customer by sales rep’ and ‘filter route by sales rep’, from Sales Settings to Common Settings in the App.

2.3 APPS

AP-B-01: Modified the APIs to hide tag pop-ups for products containing non-instance attributes.
AP-B-02: Resolved the error message ‘sales settings not downloaded’ which appears during downloads.
AP-B-03: Made fixes where Trx is not properly closed in some controller classes.
AP-B-04: Updated the API to save the reference number entered from PDA RG APP to be shown against order in view received goods screen.


SA-B-01: Resolved an issue when clicking on the open cash drawer button it was downloading a pdf file with no content.
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