Purchase Distribution

Purchase Distribution

This document helps you to know how to create a purchase distribution,The purchase distribution feature is using to distribute the purchasing qty to all branches.

How to create a purchase distribution?

  • Go to POSibolt main menu → Purchases → Purchase Order

  • Enter the product code(UPC) into the barcode field.

  • After entering the product code Warehouse Distribution popup will be generated.

Image of the purchase distribution popup

To enable distribution pop up in the purchase order screen you will need to

  1. Navigate to the main menu.

  2. Click on the Administration.

  3. Click on the Organisation.

  4. Edit the Organization that you are going to create the purchase distribution. 

  5. Under configurations, Enable “Enable Product Distribution in PO” .

  • Enter the quantity in the attribute matrix first row, Warehouse distribution table will be generated.

  • In warehouse distribution table , enter the quantity of products distributed to the

warehouses for the selected row in the attribute matrix table.

  • After completing the distribution of first, you can enter the quantity for next row and complete the distribution as before.

  • Follow the same for all combinations and click on the tick mark from the bottom of the popup.

  • The product with all attributes and quantity will be added to the cart

  • Now you can complete the purchase order by clicking on Check out.

Once the vendor dispatches the purchase order and when goods have arrived, you will need to create a receive goods in POSibolt against the purchase order. The quantity on hand will be updated.

There are two types of receive goods options available in POSibolt when it is against the Purchase orders. which are as follows

  1. Receive goods against a single PO

  2. Receive goods against multiple PO’s from the same vendor.

How to receive goods against the distributed PO?

  • Go to Purchases → Receive Goods

  • Enter the vendor name and choose the PO number from the drop down.

Image Of the Receive goods screen

  • Products will be added to the cart

  • Enter the amount of quantity received for each products

  • Select the Generate invoice checkbox(It will be auto selected if you set vendor invoice rule as immediate in vendor master)

  • If you are receiving the correct quantity ordered , you can complete the RG by click on Check Out.

Note: If you are partially receiving  ordered quantity of any item, when entering the number of quantity received again you can get the pop up for attribute matrix ,

To allow partial receive, You will need to go to Administration -> Client Configuration and  Enable “Allow Partial Receipt in RG

  • You want to enter the receiving quantity there and also enter the quantity

distributed to the ware house in the warehouse distribution table and click on tick


  • After that complete the Receive goods process by click on check out.

How to receive multiple PO’s with a single receive goods

If the vendor dispatches multiple PO’s in a same shipment you can receive all PO’s in a single Receive Goods.

  • Enter the vendor name and select the multiple PO check box

  • Click on multiple PO details button

  • A popup will appears with all pending PO’s

  • Click on action button will allow you to select the products from each PO

  • The selected items will be added to the cart along with the quantity

  • Enter the Grand total (You can enter this before selecting the PO’s and match with physical invoice grand total)

  • Click on the Check Out

In this case also you can receive the partial quantity like mentioned above.

Note: By default all products will be received at the head office warehouse and from there it will need to be transferred to other warehouses based on Purchase distribution.

Product dispatch from Stock transfer requisition report.

At the time of completing a Receive Goods, a stock transfer requisition will be generated in the stock transfer requisition report for all distributed warehouses.

To check This, Go to  Stock -> Stock transfer requisition report.

  • Select the Doc.Status Request Received.

  • Select the date range. (By month and custom also available in the filter)

  • Click on search

* Lists all the requisitions with status Request received will be displayed and below that a table with products pending for transfer will be shown.

* Highlight a request , show the details of that request in the right hand side of the Screen.

  • Select the requisition document and click on action Dispatch 

A popup for confirming the request will be generated like below.

  • Click on Confirm

After confirming, directly got the Stock Transfer screen

By default, products of the confirmed request will be added to the cart and also the From and To warehouse will be added as we gave before in the warehouse distribution table at the time of Purchase Order.

  • Complete the stock transfer from the stock transfer screen

How to Dispatch Multiple Requisitions of the Same warehouse?

If you have multiple requisitions for the same warehouse and need to dispatch in a single transfer, You may select the requisitions and click on the Dispatch button from the right bottom.

A popup with confirmation for the selected requisitions item and quantity details will be generated.

As you can see in the above image, the reference numbers in each requisitions are different as both are created against different receive goods.

* Reference number in stock transfer requisition = Shipment document number of the receive goods.

After confirming, directly got the Stock Transfer screen

By default, products of the confirmed request will be added to the cart and also the From and To warehouse will be added as we gave before in the warehouse distribution table at the time of Purchase Order.

  • You can enter the Comments and Reference Number if needed

  • Complete the stock transfer by Click on the Complete button.

  • In stock transfer history , shows the report of Stock transferred.

Stock -> Stock Transfer History

Quick Dispatch from Stock transfer Requisition Report

You can also dispatch the different warehouse requisitions in a single click without entering the stock transfer screen.

  • Select the requisitions.

  • Click on the quick dispatch from the right bottom.

A popup will be generated with the summary of each warehouse transfer for all selected requisitions.

  • Click on Confirm

Once you click on the confirm button, system take you into the quick dispatched item details screenwhere you can print the delivery note of each transfer.

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