How to Schedule Sales Shipment on POSibolt?

How to Schedule Sales Shipment on POSibolt?

Schedule Sales Shipment means the delivery schedule of the sales orders for products requested by Buyer.

1. Prerequisites

  Before creating and schedule shipment of the Sales Orders, it is advised that you create the following first:

  • Customer with Delivery Rule “MANUAL” and Invoice Rule “CUSTOMER SCHEDULE AFTER DELIVERY

  • Item

2.  How to create a later shipment sales order

  1. Navigate to the sales menu

  2. Click on sales 

  3. Add customer

  4. Add items to the cart

  5. Choose the payment mode

  6. Click on checkout

Upon clicking on the checkout button, you will get a popup with below options

  • Warehouse: Choose the warehouse from where you want to dispatch the order.

  • Customer Pickup: If enabled, the system completes the shipment and invoice along with the sales order even if the customer invoice rule schedule after shipment and delivery rule is manual. 

Scenario - Sometimes the delay delivery customer wants spot delivery with invoice from the POS counter.

  • Pricelist: Users can choose the special price list if applicable.

  • Delivery Address: Customer default address. User can add  new delivery address by enabling the Create New checkbox.

  • Date Promised: Delivery promised date.

  • Freight Cost: Delivery Charge

        7. Click on the tick mark from the popup to complete the sale.

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