Statement of Accounts

Statement of Accounts

A statement of account is a detailed report of the contents of an account. An example is a statement sent to a customer, showing billings to and payments from the customer during a specific time period, resulting in an ending balance. ... The net remaining balance of all transactions listed.

To access the Statement Of Accounts screen you will need to

  1. Navigate to the main menu

  2. Click on the Accounts

  3. Click on the Statement Of Accounts

Image of the statement of accounts screen

  • Choose the Account Name from the drop down menu

  • You can Group by Month, Date, Document etc..

  • You can search the report for a particular customer or vendor by selecting them from the BPartner text field.

  • Choose the date range.

  • Click on Search

See the below demo statement of accounts of the Customer SHAIJAL and with customer receivable account “Account Receivable trade” for the last 2 years.

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