How does Age Analysis work and Summary of Age Analysis on Posibolt?

How does Age Analysis work and Summary of Age Analysis on Posibolt?

The "Total Owing" column displays the cumulative amount of outstanding invoices for all organisations under the "Knockout" group. In the provided example, we've selected the organisation "Knockout Cash & Carry (Pty) Ltd" and the vendor "Canonstar Group (Pty) Ltd", resulting in a total owing of R464,714.76. This figure represents the combined value of all open invoices across the selected organisations.

However, when we examine the age analysis of different fields, they all show null values because the total owing amount has not been allocated. This is due to our selection of the specific organization "Knockout Cash & Carry (Pty) Ltd". Upon reviewing the attached image, we can observe this phenomenon.

To gain a clearer understanding, we can select "Show Transaction", which will display transactions exclusively for the chosen organisation.

By setting the organisation filter to '*', and the vendor filter to "Canonstar Group (Pty) Ltd", and performing a search, we can see that the total owing amount is now allocated across different periods in the age analysis. This occurs because we've selected all organisations.

Upon revisiting the video, it's important to note that the vendor "Canonstar Group (Pty) Ltd" does not exclusively belong to "Knockout Cash & Carry (Pty) Ltd". This clarifies any misunderstanding about their association. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that "Knockout Cash & Carry (Pty) Ltd" issued two invoices in 2022 and 2023, resulting in a remaining balance of R10.74, which is reflected in the age analysis report under the "Open Amount" column. To obtain further details about these invoices, one can select "Show Transaction".

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