General Information
Different types of document in Retail
The following documents are important for overall transactional understanding. Order: this reserves Stock but has no accounting effect, this is accompanied by an order number at the point you want to start transacting, this is an indicator that a ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.10
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS PF-F-01: Corrected the discrepancies in the Sales Report for summary by invoice view when mixed payment is done against the invoice, now the tax amount shown in the sales report matches with the ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.6
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ADMINISTRATION AD-F-01: Improved the overall performance of Price List Schema Run and additionally introduced a new rounding mode named 'Price Precision', formerly the price value was rounded off based on currency ...
How do I use Posibolt shortcuts and get more details on the transaction screens
Log in Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options Select Sales in the Main menu, navigate to the sub-menu to locate Sales Order, and then select the Sales option to be redirected to the sales ...
How does Age Analysis work and Summary of Age Analysis on Posibolt?
The "Total Owing" column displays the cumulative amount of outstanding invoices for all organisations under the "Knockout" group. In the provided example, we've selected the organisation "Knockout Cash & Carry (Pty) Ltd" and the vendor "Canonstar ...
How is GP (Profit) calculated on Posibolt?
How is GP (Profit) calculated on Posibolt? Gross profit on a product is the selling price of your product minus the cost of producing it. Gross profit also refers to total sales (also known as revenue or turnover) minus the total cost of sales. ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.3.3 (27336-PT)
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Minor enhancements in the Trial Balance Report and Statement of Accounts to display the header in the report in the format "For Previous Year: 01-Jan-2022 to 31-12-2022". 1.2 ADMINISTRATION ...
How to fix the Firefox Security error when attempting to print?
How to fix the Firefox Security error when attempting to print? Be sure to disable the insecure HTTP download block globally by going to about:config in the address bar and changing dom.block_download_insecure to false. Step1: Enter the address ...
What is an API in simple terms?
What is an API in simple terms? An API is like the menu in a restaurant. You pick something off the menu and you get it sent to you. You don't know what happens in the kitchen, but it gives you the options and sends you what you pick. API is the same ...
How do I calculate Customs VAT?
Customs VAT Customs duty refers to the tax imposed on goods when they are transported across international borders. In simple terms, it is the tax that is levied on import and export of goods. Customs VAT= Custom Duty(Total Duty ) x VAT RATE (current ...
How do I do costing on Posibolt
Costing on Posibolt Posibolt supports three types of costing, Depending upon the customer's requirement we can stick to any one of these. Last cost Method The cost associated with the most recent purchase of inventory items will be the unit cost for ...
How do I allocate Bad debt/Bad paying account in Posibolt?
How do I allocate Bad debt/Bad paying account in Posibolt? For a Credit note you enter a Customer's name and for a Debit Note you enter a Vendor's Name Log in to Posibolt, navigate to the top right of the screen and click the large Arrow icon, and ...
Quantity Values Returned Through Posibolt API's
Three main configurations affect the returned stockQty from the Posibolt API 1 - Role Configuration To use the API calls, we need a set of credentials including a Posibolt user name. The role to which this username belongs has warehouse access ...