Release Notes
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.12
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Introduced group-wise transactions for payments and receipts. a. CustomerMaster Screen Enhancements: i. Added 'isSummary' checkbox and Parent Customer filter. ii. Customers with 'isSummary' checked ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.11
BUG FIXES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-B-01: Fixed an issue where tax amounts were listed on multiple lines in the Tax report. 1.2 ADMINISTRATION AD-B-01: Made fixes to ensure that the commission amount is calculated and displayed correctly irrespective of the ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.22
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ADMINISTRATION AD-F-01: Improved the overall performance of Price List Schema Run and additionally introduced a new rounding mode named 'Price Precision', formerly the price value was rounded off based on currency ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.20
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Incorporated all the changes to export the GSTR sheet in the new format. AC-F-02: An option has been implemented to export bulk statements of accounts to an XLS file, where the details of each ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.4.0
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 APPS AP-F-01: Enhanced the API to transmit the ordered date and 'line' value for sorting the order lines. 1.2 GENERAL GN-F-01: Enhanced the GUI screen while running the to edit the jnp Port field. ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.3.6
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Enhanced the multiple selection of Account Name filter to display the selected values at the top of the list and is sorted from A-Z. This is in the Detailed GL Report. AC-F-02: Added a column for ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.3.3 (27336-PT)
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Minor enhancements in the Trial Balance Report and Statement of Accounts to display the header in the report in the format "For Previous Year: 01-Jan-2022 to 31-12-2022". 1.2 ADMINISTRATION ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.3.3 (27336-PT)
NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Minor enhancements in the Trial Balance Report and Statement of Accounts to display the header in the report in the format "For Previous Year: 01-Jan-2022 to 31-12-2022". 1.2 ADMINISTRATION AD-F-01: ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Version 8.2.9
NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES: 1.1 ADMINISTRATION: AD-F-01: Introduced the provision to print Group 1 and Group 2 details of products on the custom barcode label. AD-F-02: A few performance improvements have been made in the Import/Export screen. 1.2 ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.3.20 (28523 -PT)
1. NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Incorporated all the changes to export the GSTR sheet in the new format. AC-F-02: An option has been implemented to export bulk statements of accounts to an XLS file, where the details of each ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.3.22(28640-PT)
NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ADMINISTRATION AD-F-01: Improved the overall performance of Price List Schema Run and additionally introduced a new rounding mode named 'Price Precision', formerly the price value was rounded off based on currency ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.4 (28032 - PT)
NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ACCOUNTING AC-F-01: Made a few enhancements in the Bank Statement Import screen: Added the option to delete lines once they are uploaded into the Bank Statement Import Screen. Implemented the feature to load the Bpartner ...
POSIBOLT ERP Release Notes - Posibolt Version: 8.4.6 (28488 -PT)
NEWLY INTRODUCED FEATURES 1.1 ADMINISTRATION AD-F-01: Improved the overall performance of Price List Schema Run and additionally introduced a new rounding mode named 'Price Precision', formerly the price value was rounded off based on currency ...