How To
How do I do a Package Report on Posibolt?
How do I do a Package Report on Posibolt? Package Report refers to a report that shows details about a product that has been shipped or is shipped, this allows you to see where the package is headed to as well. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the ...
How do I generate a Stock Position Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate a Stock Position Report on Posibolt? Stock Position Report is a report that shows you the current stock on hand and shows extra details on the costs etc. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you ...
How do I generate a Stock In/Out Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate a Stock In/Out Report on Posibolt? Stock In/Out Report this is a report similar to stock analysis but gives you movement-specific information on your report. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side ...
How do I generate a Stock Analysis Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate a Stock Analysis Report on Posibolt? Stock Analysis Report is a report that shows you a summary of your stock so you may analyze it. It is similar to a Quick Stock Report, but instead, the Quick Stock Report can be specific to one ...
How do I generate a Stock Transfer Requisition Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate a Stock Transfer Requisition Report on Posibolt? Stock Transfer Requisition Report is a report that shows stock requisition between internal warehouses Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you ...
How do I generate an Attribute Stock Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate an Attribute Stock Report on Posibolt? Attribute Stock Report is a report that shows a list of attributes based stock items in your warehouse(s) Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see ...
How do I generate a Bulk Discounts Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate a Bulk Discounts Report on Posibolt? Bulk Discounts report shows items to which a discount or promotion group have been applied. This will also be applied to active and inactive items. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt ...
How do I generate the Shipment Report on Posibolt?
How do I generate the Shipment Report on Posibolt? Shipment Report is a report that shows you all the previously scheduled and/or completed shipments to customers recorded on Posibolt. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the ...
How do I generate the Stock Transfer History on Posibolt?
How do I generate the Stock Transfer History on Posibolt? Stock Transfer History is a report that shows you all the previous stock transfers recorded on Posibolt Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see ...
How do I generate the Stock Adjustment History on Posibolt?
How do I generate the Stock Adjustment History on Posibolt? Stock Adjustment History is a report that shows you previous stock adjustments. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options Select ...
How do I do a Slow Moving Item report and/or Fast Moving Report on Posibolt?
How do I do a Slow Moving Item report and/or Fast Moving Report on Posibolt? This is a report that shows stock items selling fast and those selling slow. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu ...
How do I do a Re-Order Report on Posibolt?
How do I do a Re-Order Report on Posibolt? The Reorder Report shows every product and its current quantity on hand and whether there are any on order, on transfer or on purchase. The available amount is calculated from these quantities and a reorder ...
How do I do a Stock Valuation on Posibolt?
How do I do a Stock Valuation on Posibolt? A stock valuation report refers to a report that shows inventory due for sale and shows you an analysis of both the quantity and the price of the inventory. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main ...
How do I do a Stock Movement Report on Posibolt?
How do I do a Stock Movement Report on Posibolt? A stock movement report refers to a report that provides information about each transaction that affects the on-hand balance of a stock items, or range of stock items, during a specified time period. ...
How do I do a Locator Transfer on Posibolt?
How do I do a Locator Transfer on Posibolt? A Locator Transfer Report is a report that shows the movement of stock from one locator to another in the warehouse. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see ...
How do I do a Stock Transfer Requisition on Posibolt?
How do I do a Stock Transfer Requisition on Posibolt? Stock Transfer Requisition refers to an inventory form that can be used by organisations to request and restock items in an organisation. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on ...
How do I do a Customer Shipment on Posibolt?
How do I do a Customer Shipment on Posibolt? Customer is a method of delivering goods from the store to the customer directly, this is also known as dispatching goods. This is used when a customer places an order and does not take the goods ...
How do I do an inter-branch Transfer of Stock on Posibolt?
How do I do an inter-branch Transfer of Stock on Posibolt? Inter-branch Transfer is a type of stock transfer that is from one branch to another. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options ...
How do I do a Stock Transfer on Posibolt?
How do I do a Stock Transfer on Posibolt? Stock Transfer is a process of moving/transferring stock from one warehouse to another. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options Select Stock in the ...
How do I do Stock Removal on Posibolt?
How do I do Stock Removal on Posibolt? Stock Removal, refers to removing stock items from inventory for reasons like damages, etc. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options Select Stock in the ...
How do I finalise my stock take on Posibolt?
How do I maintain my stock take on Posibolt? Stock Take maintenance is the process of keeping the stock take up to date and/or completing them. Log in to Posibolt and navigate the Posibolt Main Menu, on the right side you will see Menu options Select ...
How do I do a Physical Stock Take on Posibolt?
How do I do a Physical Stock Take on Posibolt? Stock Take refers to the process of physically checking stock levels for each product and material you sell to ensure that your data is up-to-date and accurate Log in to Posibolt and navigate the ...
How do I do a stock adjustment on Posibolt?
What is Stock? The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a shop or warehouse and available for sale or distribution. How do I do a stock adjustment on Posibolt? Stock Adjustment is the increase or reduction made to the stock so that the actual ...
Stock Overview
What is Stock? The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a shop or warehouse and available for sale or distribution. How do I do a stock adjustment on Posibolt? Stock Adjustment is the increase or reduction made to the stock so that the actual ...
How To Schedule Sales Orders Shipment
Navigate to the stock menu Click on shipment report. Use the filter options for date and delivery status. Click on search. Image of the Shipment report with not delivered sales order details. Note: If the customers are tied up with the route, you can ...
Shipment Report
The Shipments Report reviews all orders that have been shipped. This report includes each order that meets your parameter criteria, with the customer name, shipped items, shipped date, quantity ordered and shipped, Invoice Number, Shipment number, ...